Laforge Graves made a "grave" mistake yesterday when he made this month tier payment to Jee.
He paid S$5 less! As a result, Jee came rushing to hunt Laforge down at Mu-la isle last evening.
After stripping Laforge naked and giving him only a bare minimum pig-head thongs for modesty (have some nice ladies around), Laforge was given the Jee's style of BDSM treatment for his inability to pay the full amount immediately.
Here's some pictures to show Jee's torturing Laforge. Also as a reminder to other kakis...please remember to pay up your monthly tier in full and on time!! Else, might face more serious consequences from Jee....
Jee said,"I want you to pay up now...."...*WHACK*

Laforge said, "It's only S$5, can't I pay tomorrow?....."

Jee said, "You still not going to pay up immediately?"

Ends up more torturing for Laforge which lasted throughout the Monday SL night.....Poor Laforge....