Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The new Kaki Isles ....Kampung Kaki - 12 Jul 2009

With a magical click, the whole terrain was transformed in a second and lots of hard work from Domch, Kaki Isles has been transformed into a paradise land ...to become Kampong Kakis.

Pictures and words cannot express fully how beautiful our sim has become....got to experience it first hand by going in-world.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kaki Isles - from May 07 - Jul 09

Its time for a change now after two years...

We are going to revamp the whole SIM and we are going for a unified look...so this is how Kaki Isles looks like before we change it... good bye old look. The new one will be put up next week...
Its good to have a change.