Thursday, June 7, 2007

who broke the swing????

Er... who did it????

We had a swinging good time.
Untill we discovered the SWING was made in Taiwan.


Joeru Pugilist said...

the last photo - SOILD ah... /Jo was eating, almost puke out - innocent looking face with THE BODY.... erm... /Jo rush to toilet... puking

Kenneth Goh said...

OMG!!!! That why the swing broke .. Check out their bodies!!!and Jee, did i see some pubic hair sticking out of your trunk?

Joeru Pugilist said...

HAIR?! /Jo zoom in... want to puke again... Laforge - u should put a exceed weight sign

bangladeshjee said...

shit. forgot to shave.

Kenneth Goh said...


When mutan bought the swings, we were told that each swing can support wight up til 90 kg each..

God knows Jee & Chavez cross beyond that weight limit... Arghhh!!! Now we need a signage about the weight limit...

Yeah, Jee .. go do a brazilian :)

Unknown said...

Someone should put a notice that "do not eat while reading this entry cos of fat and hairy men".........

Mutan said...

I think this post deserves a 5 star rating for humor! :D

Chavez Barbosa said...

fat what fat. i am in shape. round is a shape.

Luxe Alabaster said...

Jee, who's the Bangla cousin? A fortune-teller once told me I would marry a roti-prata man. Could this be the one?

Kenneth Goh said...

Lol Luxe.. His name is roti john :P

Chavez Barbosa said...

¿qué pan Juan?! ¡soy un Cubano Auténtico! Viva la libertad!