As you know, I'm residing on Kakis Isles, a sim where 7 of us Kakis are sharing.
Each of us has a different theme for our lands but most important of all is a place where we can enjoy. A good start off point for SIngaporeans who are exploring SL.
16 Feb is the opening date for Pink Ginger - a clubhouse which Kakis Founder - Domch *my darling* - owns.
Not just any club, it's a dedicated club for Asian Gays and friends to gather, interact or simply to hang around.
I don't just intro any club I came across, nor becauses it's a member of the Kakis Isles but rather, is this -
I have never ever find someone who has such a fervent desire to create a better place in both RL & SL gay community, and one can tell a lot by the way he decorate his home. *wink*
So do drop by Pink Ginger and if you do get to see Domch personally, hugz him, he welcomes anyone, gays or not to his dear place.
For the kakis (new and regulars) who are not out partying in RL, we have a little reunion dinner at Kaki Isles and a short party to bring in the Chinese New Year 2008.