Hi everyone,
There's a report in Sunday Times today (20Apr08, Home pg 10-11) about Singaporeans living Second Lives in SL.
Generally, the writer painted a pretty sleazy and gloomy picture of friendships/relationships in SL. The takeaway: IT's NOT REAL. There are even mentions of IMH, or helplines. Overall, not a pretty picture being reflected. Most importantly, not an ACCURATE reflection at all.
We take OFFENCE at this. And we are deeply disappointed that a noob reporter without a deep understanding of SL has written about how superficial it is.
It's simple., really. We want to let the world know, there are REAL friendships involved in SL.
Firstly, we want to GATHER as many Singaporean AVs in SL to take a massive group photo.
We'll do it monday (sg time, 10pm) at Thinc Cafe.
Remember: WE WANT AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE! So pass this notecard around to whoever u know.
Next, we plan to draft up a letter reply to the said reporter. It will be a friendly, "Do you know?" letter sharing with her who we are, and all the positive aspects of friendships, creativity and community fun in SL. And we'll like everyone to put their names on this letter.
More details will follow. But first, let's gather tmr for the group shot.
We have a very good turnout that night. The peak AV count at Thinc Cafe, Kaki Isles was 63.

Jee has put up the photos on Facebook:
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